Category: Festival 2022

Announcing the full program

In eleven film programs over four days, Electric Shadows Asian Film Festival invites curious cinephiles to discover a diverse selection of wilful films from Asia.

We open with a restored classic: Kummatty by Govindan Aravindan, a key figure of Parallel Cinema in India. Together with Thamp, another Aravindan gem, it gives new insights in the legacy of Indian cinema. The closing film of the festival will be The New Old Play by Chinese artist and filmmaker Qiu Jiongjiong, who explores how artistic independence and shifting political powers intertwine in Chinese history.

In between opening and closing film, Electric Shadows serves an abundance of surprising perspectives on what film, and Asian cinema, can be. We focus on little screened house-hold names such as Tsai Ming-liang and Nguyen Trinh Thi as well as on up-and-coming cineastes. You can find the entire program here.

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